My Year in Review (2007)

I plan on writing these every year so I suppose I should go ahead and post the last one from my MySpace page since I'll be getting rid of it and moving my social media efforts over to Facebook. Enjoy!

My Year in Review (2007):

Sitting here on the eve of the new year, I am intent on writing something meaningful before I choose what I am doing tonight and subsequently become intoxicated. Honestly I need to write more but every time I say that to myself I just think about how uninterested the rest of the world is with reading and find myself turned off by the ineffectiveness of this form of communication. Sadly, I think the lack of communication is what really holds us all down. Yet I can think back to hours before the ball dropped back on December 31st, 1999 and remember listening to German radio over the internet in America with my mom as she translated what I didn't understand. In that moment I found myself amazed at what distances we as a people have really overcome in terms of listening to each other. That's just random food for thought I guess.
I've come a long way over the course of my life, which is a pretty obvious statement at first glance but not if you really think about it. Some people just sit in their same space and they strive for mundane goals that keep them fastened down to one location. In the last three years I've been to seven different countries, actively took a role in a world conflict, and even driven the length of the east coast four times. This year alone I had the most amazing and beautiful baby boy that any father could dream of having (Joseph Earl Burlas V); I was one of the top paid PC technicians on the east coast for Circuit City;Did another semester of College; Went to Army Engineer Dive school at Fort Leonard Wood, MO; Re-classed as a Cavalry Scout at Fort Knox, KY; Began a rough train up for Special Forces Assessment Selection which I unfortunately was not able to go to; And I am now currently assigned to the 2nd Battalion of the 12th Cavalry Regiment in the 1st Cavalry Division here at Fort Bliss, TX.
Obviously I've been around this year. With that and in that though, I hope that next year isn't so on point with sending me various places. El Paso is growing on me to be quite honest and if it's not Baltimore Maryland, I really prefer to stay here and focus on finishing college so I can become an officer. Seeing my family and Joey are the only things that take precedence over focusing on my future. Of course I wouldn't mind meeting someone I like and can trust... but perhaps that's too much of a request as it has been in the past. Or, maybe not? Time will tell but for now it's time to reflect on the past and celebrate the future... beer in hand of course haha. Cheers. Joe Burlas.
My Year in Review (2007) My Year in Review (2007) Reviewed by Joe Burlas on December 31, 2007 Rating: 5

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