The Past and Who I am

Looking back at things is an amazing thing and writing about the things you do encourages you to embrace the practice of looking back at where you were at any given point in time. Since I just restarted this website, I figure I would look back a little at some of the thoughts I had in the past and I'm kind of surprised at the things I saw. If you ever had anything on the internet that is gone now but would be nice to go back and look at, check out While it doesn't bring the page back as it used to be displayed, it most definitely brings the content back.

Check it:

After reading that it's blatantly obvious as to how far I've really come and the term bittersweet comes to mind as once upon a time I was a Soldier, the 'computer guy', and a person who believed anything could happen. Interesting how life has it's own way of telling us who we are from who we thought we were.

"You have to be lying down in order to be walked on. Still standing, whatever it fucking takes."
The Past and Who I am The Past and Who I am Reviewed by Joe Burlas on June 23, 2009 Rating: 5

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