The Joint Services Open House & Air Show (2012)

Every May for the past eleven years (three on this website) I start letting everyone know about an airshow that comes to town. With the exception of three of those years to which I was off playing Army, I've been lucky enough to attend them. This year is no exception so I wanted to post my plans up and invite anyone with an interest in aviation to attend. This is not just an airshow, either, as each of the services has their own hanger and places around the flight line to publicly display vehicles from their particular branch of the military. So yes there are a large number of airplanes, however, the Army and Marines for example, bring out their tracked vehicles [read: tanks] and you can see first hand what it being in feels like.

Anyway, the plan (as it has been every year) is to take a good sized group with me and share the experience. I'm posting the details below as well as a video of some of the demonstrations that you will find at such a show. This is really a good opportunity for anyone not familiar with the military or aviation to come out and get their first real peak. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at [email protected]. See the details below.

Date: Saturday, May 19, 2012
Time: 10:00am
The Plan: Meet at the Green Belt Metro Station at 10am and take the Metro to the Branch Ave Metro Station. From there we'll take the shuttles on to Andrews Air Force Base. If you'd prefer to meet me at the Airshow you can find directions to the shuttles [FedEx Field] by clicking here.

I look forward to seeing everyone come out this year!

"Limited in his nature, infinite in his desires, Man is a fallen god who remembers heaven." - Alphonse de Lamertine
The Joint Services Open House & Air Show (2012) The Joint Services Open House & Air Show (2012) Reviewed by Joe Burlas on May 08, 2012 Rating: 5

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