American Eagle Visits Lewis University
For at least the past three years that I've been in attendance, Lewis University has invited industry contacts at American Eagle to come fly out and visit the school during the annual Aviation Career Conference. The career conference website describes the event as being a "unique opportunity to learn first hand from “real world” aviation professionals. [The] conference is designed for anyone interested in a career in aviation". This year representatives from American Airlines, Delta Airlines, United Airlines, American Eagle Airlines, Boeing International, Chicago Department of Aviation, Federal Aviation Administration, Chicago Air Traffic Control, Federal Express Airlines, Windy City Flyers, and Southwest Airlines were all present.
This year I was lucky enough to be working as staff at the event and, as they have done in years past, American Eagle flew in an Embraer ERJ-145. The idea behind flying in one of their regional jets is to allow those newer to aviation a chance to sit in the cockpit, ask the pilots and crew questions, and encourage those looking at a career in aviation. The pilots that flew the aircraft were both members of Women in Aviation, an international aviation organization (of which Lewis has a chapter), and were very excited to answer questions. Also on board was the Chief NIFA Judge for the recent region 8 competition who I was pleasantly surprised to see. Below is a video of their arrival at our airport.
"Solo is a solitary word, but in an aviation context it describes a common bond shared by every pilot that has ever lived. It ranks among the most special experiences not just in my flying career, but in my whole life. For example, I have a much more vivid memory of my first solo than of my first kiss." - Adam Smith, Aviation Columnist
American Eagle Visits Lewis University
Reviewed by Joe Burlas
November 23, 2013
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